“Somnology” Project

InterPolyMech consortium is developing an innovative project called Remote Virtual Therapy in Somnology. As a technological base for the implementation of the project, the in-house development – Lambda-Mu platform – will be used.

“The goal of the project is to provide a possibility of remote therapy for patients suffering from sleep disturbance using virtual reality technology (VR),” said Ivan Podgorny, Technical Director of InterPolyMech.

“Remote therapy with the effect of the real presence of a doctor is one of the advantages of “Somnologia”. Another plus is the possibility of individual settings: for each patient, a maximally realistic and comfortable environment will be created, including individual images, smells, temperature. The doctor will be able to change the environment (scene) in which the patient is located, depending on his condition and indications of additional equipment,” said Daria Lebedeva, somnologist.

What can we do within the framework of  “Somnology” project?

  1. Provide a possibility to remotely treat insomnia. For more accurate remote diagnostics, virtual technologies will be integrated with professional polysomnographs;
  2. Develop virtual and augmented reality technology, taking into account the requirements of somnologists. Visualization will be complemented by the management of smells and tactile sensations;
  3. Help patients to recover the ability to fall asleep without taking sleeping pills;
  4. Test the possibility of using VR glasses and electrodes to take readings of brain activity and eyeball movement activity using AI technologies and Big data technology.

Demo example of virtual scenes created for “Somnology” project

A user in the ``Patient`` mode is immersed in a virtual scene using VR glasses. View from the user's eyes.

A user in the “Somnologist” mode, using the admin panel, changes the scene of a “Patient” in real time.